Compound Wealth Blog
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How to get free money from KiwiSaver with Government & Employer Contributions.
In this post we walk you through the process of taking advantage of the income you’re entitled to with KiwiSaver. By making the most of Government Contributions, and mandatory Employer Contributions, your KiwiSaver balance significantly each year, putting you in a better place for a first-home deposit and/or retirement. Take a read and find out if you are entitled to additional funds for your KiwiSaver!
What is KiwiSaver and how does it work?
KiwiSaver gives every New Zealander the opportunity to invest money into a range of financial products, allowing them the chance to build not only their wealth, but also their understanding around investments and retirement planning.
Timing the market
Timing the market can be a tempting proposition for investors, but often this desire leads to an increase in lost gains. It is very tempting for KiwiSaver investors to switch from a growth to conservative fund to shield themselves from adverse market swings. In this post, we take a look at a better strategy for maximising your KiwiSaver fund.
Could you be $1.5 million better off?
The $1.5 million question and how receiving advice can assist your financial future
The genius of regular saving into KiwiSaver
George Soros, billionaire and famous investor once said, “If investing is entertaining, if you’re having fun, you’re probably not making any money. Good investing is boring.”
Hold Your Course
It's completely understandable if your brain is telling you to get out of the market. Research shows that people hate losing even more than they like winning.
It's one of the reasons having a financial advisor is most valuable during a market downturn, when your emotions actively try to convince you to do things that are likely to hurt you.
Focus on What Matters and Ignore the Noise
The simple truth of compounding returns is the most important thing that matters for the long-term investor. Yet in today’s world we are consistently bombarded with distractions, become pre-occupied with other things, and we forget this simple truth.
Keeping your Baskets in Order
The benefits of good financial diversification are not to be scoffed at. Most importantly it manages risk and reduces the impact a bad event in any one asset has on your overall financial wellbeing